zaterdag 27 november 2010


The blouse I did promise in an outfit. I change the cowboyboots for wedges which I like prefer. I did make thousand of photos today. It was so terrible to make the right pictures, so its maybe a little disapointed.
Its weekend, finally! I have nice plans: Today I have to work and this night is going out on the menu. Sunday I will go to Amsterdam to buy some nice items and check the new H7&M. So what are your plans this weekend?
Valery Y

20 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

Hele leuke outfit. Fijn weekend.

Béracha zei

supermooie outfit!
je blog is leuk, ik volg je. (:

Nina zei

ooh suuper leuke outfit!
Ik vind die tas zoo leuk!


Unknown zei

Stunning bag! Love your sweater ;)

Eline zei

Erg leuke blouse! Leuk gecombineerd ook. :)

Unknown zei

Thanks for your comment Valery <3

Nina zei

heel erg bedankt voor je lieve reactie, hihi!


Laura zei

Heel leuk gecombineerd hoor!

daisychain zei

what a pretty outfit x

Angie He zei

I just loved your whole outfit!!
xoxo, Angie

would you like to follow each other?

Diana zei

I love this outfit.
The shoes and the parker are adorable :)
Just discovered your blog and I really really like it :)

Nicko.ting zei

Nice outfit =)

Lia Waroka Putri zei

the blouse is truly adorable <3 love ur wedges!

Laura zei

Die schoenen!


Vere zei

superleuke outfit!!


Andreea zei

That lace blouse it's so beautiful! I love it<3

♥ kisses ♥

Kallie, Happy Honey and Lark zei

I love this outfit! it looks really comfy, but put together.

Maryse zei

Super mooi! <3


Katy zei

Hi Valery! You have an amazing smile!:) I love your blouse! Its something that I would wear, its so simple, classic and its kinda sexy! Its PERFECT! great sense of style you got here:)

0 zei

I love your shoes!